Welcome to Orchard Avenue Elementary
Welcome to Orchard Avenue Video
We are excited to welcome your family to our learning community! This page includes information for new families. We hope this puts your mind at ease and makes your child’s transition to Orchard Avenue as smooth and successful as possible. As always, we are here to help, so if you have additional questions, please feel free to reach out to our school office (970) 254-7560.
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Locations
Student safety is a priority at Orchard Avenue. You can help keep students safe by following these drop-off and pick-up procedures.
19th Street Alley: If you would like to drop-off/pick-up your child without exiting your vehicle please use the 19th Street alley. This is accessed by traveling east on Walnut Avenue, turning right on 19th Street and proceeding to the drop off/pick up sidewalk area. Thank you for your patience during pick-up as students will only be loading toward the front of the line where the adult on duty is present.
West Parking Lot (enter off of 17th St.): The west parking lot is intended for families to park their car and walk to the child’s classroom door. Please do not ask your child to cross this parking lot to meet you in your car.
Please do not park your vehicle along Walnut St. or 17th St.
Please do not pick-up or drop off along Orchard Avenue or in the bus lanes on the south side of the school (Orchard Ave. side).
If your child rides the bus the drop-off and pick-up is along 17th Street near the Neurodiversity Cottage.
Morning Drop-Off, Breakfast, and Morning Reading
Breakfast will be served in the Cafeteria from 8:30-9:00. If your child arrives at school between 8:30 and 8:50 he or she should head directly to the cafeteria. Starting at 8:50 students who need breakfast should check-into their classrooms before going to the cafeteria. Teachers will welcome students into classrooms starting at 8:50 for morning reading. The playground is closed in the mornings, so students are not permitted to play on the equipment or in the field. The tardy bell will ring at 9:00 meaning that students who are not in their classrooms by this time will need to check-in at the front office.
After School Pick-Up
Students will begin leaving their classrooms starting at 3:55 Monday-Thursday and at 1:55 on Friday for early release. You can pick-up outside of the classroom door, meet your child in the pick-up line, or your child can walk home or go to Extended Hours if you have signed-up. Kindergarten students will need to be picked up outside of the classroom door for a warm hand-off.
If your child will be late or absent please call the front office at 970-254-7560 to let them know!
Breakfast and Lunch
D51 is participating in the Healthy School Meals for All program, which means that all students are eligible to receive free breakfast and lunch.
Breakfast is from 8:30-9:00 in the OAE Cafeteria
Lunch Times are as Follows:
10:55-11:35 Kindergarten Lunch
11:05-11:35 First Grade Lunch
11:35-12:00 Second Grade Lunch
11:55-12:20 Fourth Grade Lunch
12:15-12:40 Third Grade Lunch
12:35-1:00 Fifth Grade Lunch
ParentVUE is an online portal to Orchard Avenue. You can see your child’s report card, register your student for school, and much more on ParentVUE. Set up your ParentVue account when you register your child for school. A ParentVUE account is required to receive all school emails and other communications.
Extended Hours Before and After Care
If your student needs supervision before or after school, or on teacher workdays and/or on select days off from school, Extended Hours offers that service at Orchard Avenue. You can find more information and complete the registration at https://www.extendedhoursprogram.com/.
The Parent Teacher Association is made up of parent volunteers who help support our teachers and students through volunteering, community events, advocacy and fun fundraisers. You can check out the PTA website for more information (http://www.orchardavepta.org/), visit their Facebook page (facebook.com/groups/OAEPTA) or email PTA at orchardavepta@gmail.com